How to Build Powerful Rituals that Make You a Better Writer
Are you happy with your current writing rituals? Do they empower you to be the best, most productive author you can be, or are they slowing you down? Now, I get that you may not think you even have any writing rituals. For many, the word conjures images of religious...
How to Exploit 25 Unusual Websites for Awesome Story Ideas
Most of the time, the hardest part about writing is finding the discipline to sit down at your keyboard and actually, you know, write. There are a thousand distractions and a million excuses that keep our word counts low. But sometimes, the hardest part about writing...
Daily Writing Prompt #40
On Mother’s Day, your mother tells you that she's actually your twin sister. What happens next?
Daily Writing Prompt #39
Halfway through your Thanksgiving meal it becomes quite apparent that you and your wife have different definitions of, “having guests for dinner.”
How to Uncover Amazing Story Ideas with Alltop
The internet is an awesome place for writers -- not only can we commiserate with each other and share our tales with readers, but the inspiration for our next great story is always just a few clicks away. My article on Wikipedia, for instance, details how you can use...
Daily Writing Prompt #38
You kiss your kids goodbye on a steamy August morning as you head to work, the two of them getting ready for school. When you come home that night, the kids are already home — all three of them. They all greet you as, “Daddy,” and your wife shows no concern that...
Daily Writing Prompt #37
Santa Claus may not be real, buy with each passing year, you find it harder and harder to explain who is leaving those great gifts for you on Christmas morning … even though you live alone.
Daily Writing Prompt #36
Santa Claus may not be real, buy with each passing year, you find it harder and harder to explain who is leaving those great gifts for you on Christmas morning … even though you live alone.
Daily Writing Prompt #35
It’s getting close to Christmas, and you take your family out to one of those you- cut Christmas tree places. With every swing of the axe you hear a scream. No one else in your family seems to notice.
Daily Writing Prompt #34
They say if you're outside and you feel a cold spot, it's a ghost crossing your path. You think ghosts feel warm spots and say that it's a person who has crossed their path? What do you think the world looks like from a ghost's perspective? [et_bloom_inline...