by Foster | Writer's Toolbox
You’re writing time is precious, especially if you have a full-time career outside of writing. You can’t afford to waste a second staring at a blank screen waiting for you next story idea to come to you. And yet, that exact scenario plays out over and over...
by Foster | Writing Prompts
On Mother’s Day, your mother tells you that she’s actually your twin sister. What happens...
by Foster | Writing Prompts
Halfway through your Thanksgiving meal it becomes quite apparent that you and your wife have different definitions of, “having guests for...
by Foster | Writing Prompts
You kiss your kids goodbye on a steamy August morning as you head to work, the two of them getting ready for school. When you come home that night, the kids are already home — all three of them. They all greet you as, “Daddy,” and your wife shows no concern that...
by Foster | Writing Prompts
Santa Claus may not be real, buy with each passing year, you find it harder and harder to explain who is leaving those great gifts for you on Christmas morning … even though you live...